Are you lost in your job search?

All too often, you start a job search by applying to jobs on online job boards.
This is like running a marathon without any training!
If you don't know what you really want and have a plan to find it, you will get lost along the way and maybe even give up.

Course Content

Course Overview

Eliminate Your Job Search Frustrations

This mini course is designed to take you through some of the basics of completing a successful job search.
We all want our work to have purpose and meaning. Yet we don't always take the time to find out what we REALLY want to do.

Module 1: Get Clear On Who You Are

Learn how you can redefine yourself so you know the value you can add to a future employer.

  • Get an inventory of your knowledge, skills, behaviours

  • Explore your interests and what’s important to you

  • Reflect on your experience so you can use it to empower yourself

Module 2: Organising Your Search

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail. You will learn how to organise your search so you can work smarter.

  • Learn about the various elements of job searching

  • Choose where you will focus your efforts during your job search

  • Know how to put a plan together to maximise your time

Module 3: Finding Your Resilience

Job searching can be a long and frustrating process. You will learn about some tools to help you take control of your journey rather than have your journey take control of you.

  • How to navigate rejection and feedback

  • What to do to stay motivated throughout your search

  • How to use your past to inspire your future

Bonus Module: Thinking Outside the Box

The first three modules didn't quite cover everything I wanted to include. So I added a bonus module to get you excited about other opportunties you might be interested in

  • How to find other opportunties to pursue

  • Why it's important to get inventive in your career

  • How you can use flexibility to your advantage

My 3-Step Framework

Whether it's a sprint or a marathon, you need to prepare. Here's how my course will help.

  • Get Ready

    Get a clear picture of who you are and what you are all about. Learn how to talk about yourself clearly and concisely.

  • Get Set

    Make a plan that combines all the job search strategies you want to use so you can maximise your time and effort while enjoying other parts of your life.

  • Go

    Learn how to build your resilience so you can manage your frustration and keep focusing on what you want in the face of rejection and setbacks.


When designing this mini-course, I wanted to throw in a few bonuses that would deliver even more value.

  • Bonus Module

    "Thinking Outside the Box" is a free bonus module I decided to include to encourage you to think wider and look for other kinds of opportunties.

  • Make Your CV Shine

    "Make Your CV Shine" is a 30-page workbook that will teach you how to rewrite your CV that sells rather than tells.

  • Free 30-minute CV Review Call

    When you are ready, you can book in a free 30-minute call with me so I can give you some pointers on how you can improve your CV even more.

What's My Investment?

For Access to All Modules

Your Questions Answered

  • How is this course delivered?

    This is a self-paced course that I have recorded in advance. You will work through each of the modules and I've included worksheets so you can do the activities and track your progress.

  • How much time will I need to complete this course?

    Each module includes activities that you can spend as much time on as you want. I recommend you tackle one module per week so you have the time to think and capture your thoughts.

  • What will I learn?

    I've designed this course so you can learn about yourself and the value you can bring to your professional setting. I take you through how to prepare to sell your personality and experience, and then how to organise your search so you use your time effectively. I also teach you how to maintain your motivation as your search progresses.

Another day wasting your time applying to jobs online with no plan or strategy is not going to move you any closer to the life you want.