Lots of us go through all kinds of thoughts and feelings about our jobs and careers. You start a new job and after a while the dissatisfaction starts creeping in.
So you start checking out job boards, then spend an evening updating and tweaking your CV. Maybe you get as far as talking to a recruiter or two to find out how easy it might be to find something new.
All you want is to be happier in your job and feel more fulfilled by your work.
We often fall into jobs and careers by chance rather than design. You get some experience, a couple of promotions, and yet you still question whether it's what you really want to be doing.
  • You chase the money rather than your dreams

  • You chase the job titles rather than the content of your work

  • You do what you can do rather than what you want to do

At What Cost to You?

Keep approaching your career in this way and you run the risk of seeing your stress levels continue to rise, your waistline expand as you snack on treats, or your bank balance decline as you spend to make yourself feel better.
As time goes on, your relationships begin to fall apart, or your friends become less tolerant of your mood swings. Your job performance deteriorates and sooner or later, you are being invited to discussions about your future.
The good news is that there is always a way back to job satisfaction and career fulfilment. It can be life changing to
  • be in a job that you love

  • do something that you enjoy, and

  • feel like you have a real sense of purpose

When you get to do a job that uses all your skills, gifts and talents, it doesn't feel like work anymore. It's just a part of your wonderful life.

The Programme

My Job Adversity to Career Prosperity online programme can help you get the career you've always wanted. You will:

  • gain clarity on what you want and don’t want for your career

  • uncover what's important to you to help you make decisions

  • recognise what you are really good at that you also enjoy doing

  • learn how to prepare yourself for the job search and get your message across

  • identify and decide what resources you are going to use to best market yourself

  • discover where your motivation is and how to encourage yourself to keep going

This programme is for you if you are


    Whether your role has changed, your boss is being awkward, or you just don't get the same buzz out of what you are doing anymore, Job Adversity to Career Prosperity will help you make a decision about what to do.


    Have you realised you need to resign and already started your covert job search? If you are ready to look at yourself in a new way and discover what you've been hiding from yourself, Job Adversity to Career Prosperity will help you unlock how to market yourself to potential employers.


    If it already got too much and you resigned, or found yourself being made redundant, and are in the middle of your job search, then Job Adversity to Career Prosperity can help bring some focus to finding your best job rather than your next job.

Your Free Bonuses

In addition to the course itself, you will have access to the following bonuses:

  • Individualised Coaching

    One-to-One coaching calls for 30 mins with me at the middle and end of your programme.

  • Email Support

    Direct email access to me during the programme to ask questions as you progress through the course.

  • CV Review

    Send me a copy of your CV and I will give you some hints and tips for how to improve it to sell your experience better.

What's My Investment?

For lifetime access to all 6 modules

Your Questions Answered

  • Who is this programme for?

    If you want to understand why your job isn't satisfying for you anymore, uncover your skills and talents, and build a job search strategy that aligns with what you want, then this programme is for you.

  • How will I know it's right for me?

    My programme has supported a variety of client's facing different kinds of career challenges. From marketeers to finance professionals, domestic and international relocation, my coaching has provided clarity and direction in times of uncertainty, allowing people to recognise and understand themselves and leverage that in their job search.

  • What if I'm not happy with the course?

    I want you to be completely satisfied with my course. If you are not completely satisfied after the first 2 modules, you can let me know in writing to [email protected] including a copy of your completed activity sheets for those first 2 modules. Please also include a reason why my programme isn't suitable for you.